Forbidden Archeology
November 9, 2010
Issue No. 15
"I suggest that when a scientist describes a fact or theory as
having been certainly established, he means a different sort of
certainty - a more limited one - than the philosopher who
discusses what certainty involves." --Henry H. Bauer
Global greetings - we trust everyone is positively
evolving during these times of dynamic transition!
Today marks the official launch of The Forbidden
Archeologist book by Michael Cremo.
--Lori Erbs, Newsflash Editor.
To read this or previous Newsflash issues go to:
NEWS The Forbidden Archeologist book launch and author events
NEWS ROUNDUP Sauropod Missing Link Discovery
FORTHCOMING EVENTS The Forbidden Archeologist's 2011 India Tour
MCREMO.COM website update
WEBSITES OF INTEREST: Pleistocene Coalition
The Forbidden Archeologist Breaks New Literary Ground
The Forbidden Archeologist book launches on November 9, 2010.
This collection of columns from Atlantis Rising magazine takes
reader on a virtual tour with Michael Cremo to intriguing archeological
sites and conferences around the world. Check out the book trailer
and the new
Forbidden Archeologist website:
Order your copy from
and receive a
free Atlantis Rising magazine (while supplies last)!
Michael Cremo featured in Extreme Human Antiquity dvd
Michael Cremo is featured in the new Extreme Human Antiquity
3-dvd set from the 2009 Hour of the Time Conference in
Eagar, Arizona. Two dvd's provide conference footage and the
third offers exclusive interviews with Michael. Available from
Ancient Aliens Series: Season Two
The Ancient Aliens Series returns for their second season on
The History Channel, with cutting edge interviews by Michael
Cremo and other subject experts on aliens and ancient history.
Go to:
First Complete Skeleton of Early Sauropod Discovered
A rare discovery of a complete skeleton of an early sauropod
that lived 200 millions years ago was discovered by
paleontologists in China's Yunan region. Until now, their
development has been "poorly understood because of a
highly incomplete fossil record," according to Sankar
Chatterjee of Texas Tech University. Go to:
Prehistoric Creatures Discovered in Indian Amber
An international team of fossil hunters recovered 150kg of
amber into which prehistoric insects and other creatures were
embedded from a coalmine excavation of Cambay Shale in
Gujarat province. See:
The Forbidden Archeologist's 2011 India Tour
Michael Cremo returns to India in February 2011 for
another multi-city lecture tour to discuss his latest
work, The Forbidden Archeologist. For tour dates see:
Media Interviews with Michael Cremo
Coast to Coast interview with George Noory Wed-Thur Nov. 17-18
Ancient Aliens Season Two on The History Channel
For a listing of forthcoming and archived shows go to:
Some years ago, Doug Kenyon, editor of Atlantis Rising,
asked me to write a column for that magazine. I named the
column "The Forbidden Archeologist". In it, I have
commented on many topics of interest to me.
The first is archeological evidence for extreme human antiquity.
According to conventional science, human beings like us first
came into existence about 150,000 years ago, having evolved
from more primitive apelike ancestors. But the ancient Sanskrit
writings of India and the texts of other cultures tell us that
humans have existed on earth for far longer periods of time.
I extensively documented archeological evidence for this in
my book Forbidden Archeology, published in 1993. In my
column, I write about new evidence for extreme human
antiquity that has come to my attention since then.
Scientists who support the current evolutionary theories of
human origins frequently announce discoveries of "missing
links" that appear to confirm their ideas. In my column, I
respond to such propaganda by showing that humans like
us existed at the same time as the alleged "missing links".
According to conventional history, Vedic culture came into
India from the outside, from the Northwest, about 3,500
years ago. So in my column, I sometimes discuss evidence
that shows the Vedic culture has been in India for longer
than 3,500 years.
Recently, I put together forty-nine of my Atlantis Rising
columns in a book called The Forbidden Archeologist.
This gives people who are not already readers of Atlantis
Rising the chance to see these columns.
Michael A. Cremo
__________________________________________________________ update
Look for new exhibits are coming to the Museum of Forbidden Archeology:
New and updated links at
Read about Michael Cremo's Travel Diary tours of Europe,
Dubai, South Africa and Latvia!
Check on forthcoming interviews at:
Check out Michael's travel schedule at:
The Forbidden Archeologist book is available from:
The Pleistocene Coalition:
The Forbidden Archeologist
FORUM: Comrades in the Evolution Revolution
Letters to
Dear Mr. Cremo,
I would like to know your opinion about these supposedly
transitional forms presented by Darwinists. According to
the Darwinists, the mosasaurus evolved from dallasaurus,
a terrestrial lizard. The birds evolved from feathered dinosaurs.
The whales evolved from Basilosaurus, and so on. But I
have realized that Darwinists don't see the differences
between these animals and their supposed ancestors.
According to them, the similarities are more important
than differences no matter the number of similarities.
Why ? I have also realized that the Darwinists don't study
the internal anatomy of these animals and their
supposed ancestors. They only study the bones
and the external anatomy.
Best wishes,
Michael Cremo responds:
It is always possible to arrange fossils to suggest some
kind of transition. But proving it is another thing. The
sequence could also be explained by intelligent design.
For example, it may be possible to line up motor vehicles
in a sequence. There are motor vehicles with one wheel,
with two wheels, with three wheels, four wheels, six wheels,
eight wheels, etc. So you can line these forms up in a
sequence. But each vehicle was separately designed and
manufactured. It is not that one vehicle in the sequence
produced the next. So the same is true of fossils. It is
possible to line up fossils in a sequence. But that is not
proof that the sequence arose by evolution by natural
selection. Today evolution is a genetic theory. So to prove
that the sequence is an evolutionary one, you would have
to have the genome of the first animal in the sequence.
And then you would have to show exactly how that
genome was modified to produce the next animal in
the sequence. That has not been done. So it is just
a belief that the sequence arose by evolutionary
Sincerely yours,
Michael A. Cremo
OK. Given all this I'd like to know if anyone's following
the string. Are we descendants of these extremely
early people? Was there a break at some point (night
of Brahma)? Do we start all over again after a break?
As an archeologist who is usually referred to as "crackpot"
I am very familiar with the kind of resistance you've
experienced. After defending such ideas as archeoastronomy,
geo-ritualism, possible pre-Celtic megalithic sites in New
England, Calico Hills, etc etc., I have been relegated to the
status of "Outsider" and that's just fine. Just like anything
else we cannot throw material out until it is studied.
Unfortunately, we live in a culture of lies and archeology is
included, and any such studies must be brought in line with
the Big Lie so there's no leakage of truth. Love your work
and interested in it's extension through time.
Michael Cremo responds:
Nice to hear from you. As you probably know, Vedic time is
cyclical and we live in a multilevel universe. Our earth is on
the middle level of the cosmos. On this middle level there are
periodic devastations, after which the earth has to be
repopulated (from the higher levels). A devastation occurs
after the day of Brahma. And during the day of Brahma there
are 14 manvantara periods. Between each manvantara there
is a devastation. So after these devastations the earth is
repopulated. The original created being in the universe is
Brahma. From Brahma come prajapatis, generators of
population, including human populations. These prajapatis
continue to exist on higher levels of the cosmos when the
earth is subjected to the manvantara devastations. So they
are there to repopulate the earth with human populations
after the devastations. There is some connection between
the human populations in the different epochs, in the sense
that they are produced by the same prajapatis who continue
to exist on the higher levels. According to the Vedic
cosmological calendar, we are now in the seventh manvantara
of the current day of Brahma, which began about 2 billion
years ago. So there have been six devastations, at intervals
of about 300 million years. But in each of the manvantara
periods there are human populations, according to the
Puranas, the historical writings of ancient India.
Your work sounds interesting, and if you can provide any links
to your work, I would like to have a look.
I have some connection with a group of outsider researchers
who call themselves the Pleistocene Coalition. One of them is
Virginia Steen-McIntyre, one of the geologists who gave an
anomalously old age for the Valsequillo site in Mexico. See
Sincerely yours,
Michael A. Cremo
I have talked to you before concerning a "skull", but I need your
input on this apparent "footprint" found in a stone. I will send a
few pics for your review. Is it possible to tell the age of this
apparent footprint from these pics?
Go to the Anomalies Pages to view these footprints:
Michael Cremo responds:
First thing you need to find out is the kind of rock. Footprints
are preserved in sedimentary rock or layers of volcanic ash.
If the rock is not in that category, the impression is most
probably not a footprint. If it is sedimentary rock, and it is a
footprint (and not just some natural mark that resembles a
footprint), then a local geologist could tell you the age of
the rock, and that would give you the age of the footprint.
Sincerely yours,
Michael A. Cremo
Send us your stories about those anomalous skeletons
discovered in the back yard! We are looking for solid,
well-documented evidence, but all accounts are welcome.
Send to: 
The information presented here is not necessarily endorsed
by Michael Cremo or the Forbidden Archeology Newsflash
editor. All material is shared in the spirit of open and free
inquiry to our unique cadre of evolution revolutionaries.
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