Forbidden Archeology
February 21, 2008
Issue No. 14
"The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative
the day after the revolution." -Hannah Arendt (1906-1975)
Hello dear friends, fans and fellow revolutionaries,
These times of exponential change and galactic shift are
indeed challenging both individual and collective willpower
and survival! Yet the potential exists for exponential growth,
as evidenced by Michael Cremo's continuing international
appeal and dawning of new opportunities for broadcasting
radical theories of intellectual dissent across significant
communication channels.
As you all play a major role in this open evolutionary
curriculum, we welcome your continued insights,
investigative leads and inquiries.
Lori Erbs, Newsflash Editor
To read this or previous Newsflash issues go to:
AUTHOR UPDATES Russian censorship attempts thwarted
NEWS ROUNDUP New initiative probes human evolution
FORTHCOMING EVENTS Return tour of India
MCREMO.COM website update
Fall 2007 Author Tour of Croatia, Bulgaria and Russia
Michael Cremo embarked upon an intellectually dazzling
author tour of Croatia, Bulgaria and Russia during
September - December 2007, speaking at professional
conferences, bookstores, universities, public lectures,
media events and private meetings with scholars and
scientists to promote foreign editions of Human Devolution
and Forbidden Archeology. Highlights included an
appearance on Bulgaria's most popular talk show with
host Iskra Angelova and failed censorship attempts
by Russian university administrators.
New Unedited Video Footage of Michael Cremo
Previously unreleased footage from The Mysterious
Origins of Man (MOM) special are now available in a
3-dvd MOM Expanded Edition, featuring four hours
of interviews with Michael Cremo, Richard Thompson,
John Anthony West, Graham Hancock, and others. is now offering premiums to the
first 108 customers who purchase the Expanded
Edition, including MP3 radio interviews with Michael,
Atlantis Rising magazines, and other promotional
products. Please visit
for complete details.
New MP3 Interviews and DVD Lectures
Michael Cremo's 2007 Bay Area UFO Expo lecture, entitled
Forbidden Archeology and the E.T. Hypothesis, is now
available on dvd, as is his 2005 MP3 Evolutionary Pathways
radio interview with Dr. Obidike Kamau on KPFT's Self
Determination show. Please visit
for order details.
100,000-year-old human skull found
New initiative probes human evolution
Vanishing Footprints?
The famous Laetoli footprints are in need of immediate preservation
Michael Cremo Returns to India by Popular Demand
Students in Pune, Warangal, and Surathkal will crowd
university auditoriums as Michael Cremo returns to
extend his promotional tour of the Indian edition of
Human Devolution in February. Schedule details at:
Coast to Coast
radio interview on March 19
Michael returns to Coast to Coast AM Radio for
another mind expanding interview and dialog
with listeners on Wednesday, March 19, 2008.
Check the C2C website for complete details:
Please also
for more information on this and other upcoming
Earth Transformations Conference
Michael Cremo will grace Hawaii's Big Island
with a slideshow presentation on Human Devolution
at the Earth Transformations Conference May 16 -
18, 2008. See:
for complete
Overcoming the Opposition
In November 2007 I arrived in Russia to begin a lecture and publicity
tour in connection with the Russian edition of my book Human
Devolution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwin's Theory. I visited
cities in Russia, ranging from Moscow to Krasnojarsk
in Siberia. I
had many media interviews and spoke at several universities and
other academic instutions. For the most part, everything went well.
In two cities there were some problems. In Yaroslavl, professors
had invited me to speak at the history department of one of the
universities. But a couple of days before the lecture, the president
of the university cancelled the lecture after having been pressured
by outside organizations who objected to my connection with the
International Society for Krishna Consciousness and my stance
against the theory of evolution. The professors who invited me
arranged for the lecture to be held at an auditorium near the
university, and all the seats were filled with students and professors
from the university. This also happened at a university in Tyumen,
in western Siberia. Professors had invited me to speak, but at the
last moment the university president, pressured by outside
religious organizations, cancelled the talk. The lecture was then
transferred to a local branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
the director of which said he would not be pressured by anyone
into cancelling my talk. The talk went on as scheduled. A bus
service was set up to bring students and professors from the
university to the new venue. There was standing room only at
the lecture. A professor from the university told me that after
the president cancelled my lecture, students all over the university
were talking about it. So it would appear that in both cases when
my lecture was "cancelled", the actions of the university
presidents attracted even more attention to my lectures. I
expect these things. I am a dissident intellectual, and you
cannot be a dissident intellectual without being banned
Michael A. Cremo
__________________________________________________________ update
New links at
Read about Michael Cremo’s Travel Diary Tours of Eastern Europe,
and Russia
Check on forthcoming interviews at:
Check out Michael's travel schedule at:
New Michael Cremo dvd lectures and Expanded MOM videos
Worldcat Online library catalog of International books and
FORUM: Comrades in the Evolution Revolution
Letters to
Dear Mr.Cremo,
Recently, many authors such as Michael Behe, William
Simmons and others, have written books... about
the theory of intelligent design. In my opinion, this theory is very
interesting. Although, some Darwinist scientists named it
"Neocreationism" I would like to know the difference between
theory of intelligent design and creationism, and would you
recommend me these books to read?
Best wishes
Michael Cremo responds:
The intelligent design theorists generally do not mention God.
They say they are just talking about evidence for design, which
means there must be some designer. But they do not think
science can give the identity of the designer. That must come
from some other source. Most of the intelligent design theorists
will say they believe the designer is God. But that is beyond
science, they say. Creationists usually directly say that God is
the creator, or designer. So that is one big difference. The
books of the leading intelligent design theorists are good, so
I will recommend that you read them. You could also read my
book Human Devolution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwin's
Theory. In one of the chapters I talk about intelligent design.
Dear Mr. Cremo,
I have just finished your all too short essay in You
are being Lied
To released by Disinformation Press. I must say
that I am fairly
bowled over by your evidence. It inadvertently linked together
several other archeological "oddities" that I have been pondering
over the years, such as the famous crystal skulls (Arthur C. Clarke)
and the geode which contained what appears to be a ceramically
insulated copper rod (when sawed in half) found and is for sale,
in the North Western United States. Are you by any chance
familiar with Book of the Damned, and other works of
H. Fort? If not, you should surely consider giving his work,
Lewis Paul's and Jacques Berger's work, a look over,
as well.
(Their work The Eternal Man was almost totally plagiarized
Erich von Daniken, in his Chariots of the Gods).
Fort was the
very first to mention some form of the "Information Filter"
discussed; although with much more light heartedness he
referred to this prejudicial reflex as a "damning" of the facts
that don't "fit" the current scientific fashion. He also mentioned
that despite their damnation, the parade of the damned refuses
to go away and continues to march.
I intend to buy all your works when I have some disposable
income, and wondered if you would recommend a good
starter book on Vedic Archeology?
Thank you for your time, and especially thank you for your
Michael Cremo responds:
Thanks for the kind words. I was happy that I was asked to
contribute something to the book You Are Being Lied To
out by Disinformation Press. I also have something on my
latest book Human Devolution in one of their other books,
called Underground!, edited by Preston Peel.
I am familiar
with the work of Charles Fort. I have been invited to speak
to Fortean organizations a few times, and The Fortean
Times has reviewed my books.
As which of my books to start with, if money is a question,
you could start with The Hidden History of the Human Race,
which is the abridged edition of Forbidden Archeology.
Forbidden Archeology is about 950 pages long. Hidden
History is about 350 pages. It contains all the same cases
as in Forbidden Archeology, but with less detailed discussion.
It does not cost as much to buy as Forbidden Archeology.
But for someone with your level of interest, I would
recommend Forbidden Archeology.
Good evening. I came across this statue of a head and have
no idea of what it is and was wondering if you could recommend
someone that could help me in determining what it is. Here are
some pictures of it. Thank you for any help that you can provide.
Editor's note: Please visit the Anomalies Webpages
to view
these and other anomalous discoveries:
If anyone has suggestions for Rick, please contact him at
the above email address.
Michael Cremo responds:
I would advise going to an art museum in a nearby city, one that
has ancient art (Egyptian, Roman, Inca, etc. art), and see if one
of the curators could give an opinion. The marking on the top of
the head is not very clear, but it looks vaguely Egyptian to me.
Best thing is to get in touch with a big art museum. Sometimes
their websites allow you to ask questions to their experts. Or
one can go personally or phone.
Send us your stories about those anomalous skeletons
discovered in the back yard! We are looking for solid,
well-documented evidence, but all accounts are welcome.
Send to: 
The information presented here is not necessarily endorsed
by Michael Cremo or the Forbidden Archeology Newsflash
editor. All material is shared in the spirit of open and free
inquiry to our unique cadre of evolution revolutionaries.
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