Forbidden Archeology
December 7, 2004
Issue No. 11
"It appears ever more
likely that we exist in a multidimensional
cosmos or multiverse. . . . The cosmos . . . far from being an
empty place of dead matter and energy, appears to be filled
with beings, creatures, spirits, intelligences, gods . . . that have
through the millennia been intimately involved with human
-excerpt from Passport to the Cosmos: Human Transformation
and Alien Encounters (1999) by the late Dr. John E. Mack
This Newsflash issue is dedicated to Dr. John Mack, who passed
from this world on September 27, 2004 after being struck by an
intoxicated driver while walking in London.; When Mack, a Faculty
member of the Harvard School of Medicine, vaulted over the
confines of science and academia into unprecedented research
on UFOs and aliens, he was heavily criticized and censured by
peers and superiors at the Harvard Medical School. His unique
contributions on the spiritual and transformational aspects of
alleged alien encounters are referenced in Michael Cremo's
Human Devolution book and other works by leading agents of
change in these times of colossal planetary evolution.
We continue to welcome your input to facilitate critical
thinking and networking amidst our diverse community of
Forbidden Archeology compatriots!
--Lori Erbs, Newsflash Editor.
To read this or previous Newsflash issues go to:
NEWS - Michael Cremo tours Rome, Bulgaria, The Ukraine
NEWS ROUNDUP Flores Island Find
FORTHCOMING EVENTS UK Tour/Hour of the Time interviews
MCREMO.COM website update
ANOMALOUS DISCOVERIES: Mazon Creek shoe cast
Bhaktivedanta Institute Congress
Rome - November 11-14, 2004 Michael Cremo addressed
the Second International Congress on Life and its Origin
in Rome, Italy on Human
Devolution and other key topics. The
Congress was sponsored by The Bhaktivedanta
Bulgarian University Honors Michael Cremo with Medal
The Southwestern University in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
presented their university medal to author Michael Cremo
after he lectured to a capacity audience. Cremo toured
from October 21 - November 10, 2004 promoting the Bulgarian
edition of Human Devolution to appreciative crowds
throughout this picturesque country.
Forbidden Archeologist returns to The Ukraine
Our Forbidden Archeologist returned to The Ukraine
September 17 - October 12, 2004 to promote the
Ukrainian edition of The Hidden History
of the
Human Race. He appeared before students and faculty
of Kiev Mogalanskaya Academy, staff of the National
Museum of Ukrainian History, a television program and
other scholars of science.
Mysterious Origins of Man on dvd
Some good news! The Mysterious Origins of Man series
(Mysterious Origins of Man video, MOM Companion video,
and Jurassic Art) is now available in dvd format. Go to:
Homo floresiensis: Flores Island Discovery
Island of Flores - Indonesia Researchers have
unearthed remains from eight individuals who were
just one metre tall, with grapefruit-sized skulls. These
astonishing little people, nicknamed 'hobbits', made tools,
hunted tiny elephants and lived at the same time as modern
humans who were colonizing the area. The find has been
classed as a new species called Homo floresiensis. Go to:
Wisconsin School Board Favors Creationism
GRANTSBURG, Wis. - The city's school board has revised
its science curriculum to allow the teaching of
creationism, prompting an outcry from more than 300
educators who urged that the decision be reverse.
Full story at:
Second Black Hole Found at the Center of our Galaxy
Seven stars orbiting the region identify the invisible object.
The God Gene
In his book, The God Gene: How Faith is Hardwired Into
Our Genes, Dean Hamer, a behavioral geneticist at the National
Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute, explains how
at least one gene, which goes by the name VMAT2, controls the
flow to the brain of chemicals that play a key role in emotions and
consciousness. This is the "God gene" of the book's title, and Hamer
acknowledges that it's a misnomer. There probably are dozens or
hundreds more genes, yet to be identified, involved in the universal
propensity for transcendence, he said. Full story at:
Michael Cremo responds: A basic fallacy in this line of reasoning
the assumption that anything happening in the bags of chemicals
we call human beings must be the result of the chemicals in the bag.
Let us take the laptop computer with a wireless modem as our example.
If we propose that everything significant happening on the screen is
result of things confined to the interior of that particular machine,
we may fail to acknowledge true sources of information. Let's
that an image of Michelangelo's painting
of God from the Sistine
Chapel appears on the screen. Sophisticated electrical analysis
of the computer circuitry reveals electrical activity in certain parts
of the computer's components. If you interfere with that part of
the circuitry, the image is no longer produced on the screen. So
therefore you conclude you have found in that piece of circuitry
the part that is responsible for the image of God on the screen,
the part of the circuitry that produces it--the God circuit,
if you
To some extent that might be true, but the actual process is that
the image is being transmitted to the laptop by another computer
with wireless transmission capability. The signal is received
by the
laptop with its own wireless reception capability.
In this way, we can see that an incomplete picture of reality may
lead to an incomplete explanation of a phenomenon.
Hour of the Time interviews with Michael Cremo
Don’t miss Doyel Shamley's Hour of the Time live radio interview
with Michael Cremo on Wednesday, December 8, 2004 from
10:00 - 11:00 pm Eastern time. He will conduct a followup interview
on Thursday, January 6, 2005 from 10:00 - 11:00 pm Eastern
time at:
Breakfast in Belfast, Lunch in Tokyo, High Tea in Devon
In a dizzying display of international appeal, Michael Cremo
continues his worldwide tours, with plans to visit England,
Ireland, Japan, India, Brazil, Estonia, Canada and China in the
next few months ahead. Go to Michael's EVENTS page for
more details:
Author of the Month
Michael Cremo will be featured as Author of the Month on
Beginning in mid-December
2004, he will participate in online discussions with readers on
this website's forum:
Human Devolution coming to a country near you!
Human Devolution, the provocative sequel to Forbidden Archeology,
has been published in Bulgaria, with editions slated for release in
2005 throughout Poland, Hungary, and India. Plans are also underway
for Croatian, Lithuanian, and Danish editions of The Hidden
History of the Human Race.
Fundraiser in LA for John Mack Institute
Join friends of John Mack at 6 pm on Thursday, December 9th at
the home of Andrew Beath for a commemoration of John Mack's life
and a fundraiser for the John Mack Institute. See:
The Flores Island Hobbits
In the October 28, 2004 issue of Nature,
archeologists announced the
discovery of a new hominin (hominin is the taxonomic group that includes
all humans and direct human ancestors). They discovered the creature
in a cave on Flores Island, part of the Indonesian island chain.
The new
Flores Island hominin was small both in stature and brain size, smaller
than the smallest australopithecines, yet the archeologists attributed
it to
the genus Homo, to which we also belong, giving it the species name
Homo floresiensis . In the popular press, some scientists called
the Flores
Island creatures hobbits, a bow to the resurgent popularity of the small-sized
humans in the film series Lord of the Rings. In Nature,
the archeologists
proposed that Homo floresiensis was the dwarf offspring of Homo
who had earlier migrated to Flores Island. But the creature is
so different
morphologically from Homo erectus that its attribution to the genus
is to me questionable. For example, pygmy humans have brain sizes
somewhat the same as those of normal sized humans, whereas the
Flores Island creature has a brain much smaller (in terms of its relation
to body size) than Homo erectus.
The discoverers attributed the animal bones and stone tools found along
with the bones of Homo floresiensis to actions by that creature. But
it is
possible that the stone tools, which are of an advanced type, and the
animal bones, as well as the bones of Homo floresiensis, were
the work
of anatomically modern humans.
In this regard, in an article published in Nature in 1998 (vol.
392, pp.
173-176), Australian and Indonesian archeologists announced finding
stone tools on Flores Island, in layers dated at about 840,000 years,
using the zircon fission track method on a volcanic ash layer above
the artifact layer. In that case, the discoverers attributed the tools
to Homo erectus.
The first Homo erectus bones (an apelike skull and femur) were
on Java in the late 19th century by Eugene Dubois. Later, in 1he 1970s,
two British physical anthropologists, Michael Day and T. I. Molleson,
examined the femur and found it identical to anatomically modern
human femurs and different from all H. erectus femurs found
afterwards (Symposia of the Society for the Study of Human Biology,
1978, vol. 2, pp. 127-154). According to Dubois, both the skull and
femur were found in the same layer, which has been dated using
the potassium argon method at about 800,000 years. This indicates
there were two kinds of hominins in Java--a population of Homo
erectus and a population of Homo sapiens sapiens.
So one possible solution to the Flores Island puzzle is that Homo
erectus apemen from Java crossed the sea and went to Flores
Island about 800,000 years ago, and then over hundreds of
thousands of years became hobbitlike dwarfs. The problem
with this is that it requires attributing humanlike capabilities
for deliberate sea crossings to Homo erectus, not previously
known to scientists as a sailor. The other, and more realistic,
possibility is that anatomically modern humans from Java
settled Flores Island 800,000 years ago. During their
continuing life there, they made stone tools, and killed
animals, including the apelike creatures now improbably
called Homo floresiensis.
Or it may actually be some kind of Littlefoot. We should keep
in mind that such creatures have been observed in the Indonesian
island chain. In his book Sasquatch (1978, pp. 134-135), John
Green records some reports from researcher John McKinnon,
who spoke of unusual footprints in Borneo, Malaya and the
Indonesian island of Sumatra: "Natives spoke of a creature with
long hair, who walks upright like a man. Drawings and even
photographs of similar footprints found in Sumatra are attributed
to the Sedapa or Umang, a small, shy, long-haired bipedal being
living deep in the forest."
Michael A. Cremo
__________________________________________________________ update
New links at
Read about Michael Cremo's Travel Diary Tours of Brazil, Bulgaria etc.
Check out the updates to the Discourses webpage on the Human
Devolution website, featuring extended philosophical
discussions with Michael Cremo and correspondents:
Check on forthcoming interviews at:
NEWS: Read about the Flores Island find at:
New Human Devolution reviews at:
New anomalous discoveries at:
John E. Mack Institute
Graham Hancock
Public Library of Science
FORUM: Comrades in the Evolution Revolution
Letters to
Dear Michael,
I just happened upon your website this evening as an article link from
Jeff Rense's website. A couple of years ago I was making some close
observations and moderate interactions with a Bonobo troupe at the
public zoo. I realized that the skull of the female Bonobo fit the shape
of the skull bones of Australopithecus. I tried to release this information,
but I believe that it was actually suppressed by sinister individuals
in a
secret scientific Gestapo that controls the public's access to scientific
information, as well as revolutionary medical cures. My theory
well with some of your observations. I believe that certain great apes
like the Bonobo have lived alongside humans far back into the distant
past. I think that the Bonobos would secretly move into villages at
night to accept the offerings that the villagers made to the jungle
The Bonobo troupes were highly organized and never left any evidence.
A type of symbiotic relationship developed, with the Bonobo's being
intimately aware of human beings and their peculiarities, but human
beings never differentiating the Bonobo's from less intelligent ape
I believe that the Bonobo's have an inner directive that prevents them
from interacting with humans. In captivity they will play dumb so as
appear like "dumb apes." My guess is that the Bonobo I.Q. could be
over 100. In my opinion the Bonobo's are just another race as we are
on this earth. They have the same emotions and family relationships
as we do. They are also kind and gracious. The biggest difference is
of course that they don't vocalize communications. But they communicate
effectively through empathy and observations of body and facial
gestures. Also, most of the Bonobo's we will ever see are in prison,
they are just as miserable as any intelligent being would be in confined
quarters with no apparent hope of escape.
Michael Cremo responds:
Part of the radical distinction some people make between our ape
brethren and ourselves may have to do with the idea present in most
Christian theologies that only humans have souls and animals do not.
According to the Vedic cosmology, which I explain in my latest book
Devolution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwin's Theory, souls are present
just in humans but in all living things. In fact, the soul in a human
body can
migrate into or may have migrated from an animal form. So the same soul
is present in both human bodies and ape bodies, and therefore we may
have more kinship with them than people who make a radical distinction
between human and animal may imagine. Still, there is a difference of
some kind. According to the Vedic ideas, the human form is especially
suited for self realization. But the Vedic cosmology says that there
many forms of human life in the universe. The Vedic histories relate
existence of races of humanlike apes, who cooperated with humans,
and who were also capable of spiritual advancement. They were called
Vanaras, forest dwellers. A particular famous member of this race of
intelligent apes was Hanuman, who is worshiped in temples all over India.
Sincerely yours,
Michael A. Cremo
Dear Michael: I found this stone in Truth or Consequences in
arroyo maybe less than 100 yards from the Rio Grande. I pick up rocks
all the time and I was going to put this one in a friend's cactus garden.
It slowly dawned on me that this was no ordinary rock. I frequently
it up and place my thumb or toe in it and it has never failed to say
I am
I also took the rock to New Mexico State University. It was bad timing
as most of the people were on spring break. I did find a geologist who
took one look at the stone (Lufa) and said it was too old to possibly
a human print in it. I believe he was from the old school of thought
wouldn't even consider the photos closely. I am not sure if they can
blown up on a computer screen for this purpose. When I look closely
I can see the texture of skin. If there is someone specific I could
images to, I would appreciate the information.
This area is rich in archeology. Several weeks ago I heard that another
mastadon had been found near the Elephant Butte lake. About three
years ago I was hiking nearby and found a complete palm frond in
sandstone. What a thrill it will be if someone can confirm what my
heart has been feeling, in regards to this little red stone. I hope the
pictures are okay.
Michael Cremo responds: Thanks for the pictures. Here are some
suggestions for further research on your possible human toeprint. If
you have Forbidden Archeology, carefully study the reports
on human footprints and toeprints in both the archeology and bigfoot
sections of the book. It would be good if you could establish that the
rock you have is of the kind in which footprints could have been made.
In other words, in its original condition it should have been some kind
of sand or clay or ash that could hold a print. Then you would want
look for anatomical features that would confirm it is not just some
form, but a real print. One such feature might be fine ridgemarks in
rock, of the kind that might be made by a toeprint (the equivalent of
fingerprint, with its characteristic tiny ridgemarks). A geologist could
look at the individual grains in the rock and see if they show any signs
of pressure, as would happen when a foot presses into sand. The grains
at the bottom might be pressed closer together than those toward the
top. Also, you would want to find some way of judging the age of the
The geologist who refused to even consider that the rock could have
prints is a good example of the knowledge filtering process in action.
Also, I would think that the kind of investigation necessary is going
invoke looking at the objects themselves.
Sincerely yours,
Michael A. Cremo
Editor's note: Please visit the Anomalies webpage to see this artifact:
Dear Sir:
I have found something I believe is significant. I live in the Mazon
area of Illinois where fossils are very abundant still. As an
fossil hunter, I was out last Saturday and found quite a surprise.
As you know, the Mazon Creek fossils resulted from ferns and insects
being covered with mud. The minerals in the mud eventually dissolved
the plant insect material and a cast or impression was made in rock
Well I found what I thought at first was just another concretion
containing possibly a fern. But when I dusted it off, it appears I have
found a "cast" of a child's shoe or slipper! There are details which
most convincing, such as a line showing an insole and detail on the
of the shoe. It is just over 4 inches long. I think possibly that a shoe
covered over in a flood and filled with mud. The same principle applied
where the minerals in the mud dissolved the materials of the shoe and
we are left with a cast from the inside of the shoe. I wholeheartedly
believe this is exactly what has happened and that this "shoe" is very
old. I wish I could guess how old, however the matrix is the same
the Mazon Creek fossils.
I would like to exhibit this find but only to professionals and serious
I would appreciate if you could advise who to contact in this regard.
Michael Cremo responds: For now, I think you are right that
have an interesting anomaly. It would be good, I think, if you could
get some mineralogist or geologist to compare the filling of the object
that you have with the casts of the admitted fossils and with admitted
concretions. If the structure of the concretions and admitted fossils
different, and your object has a structure that resembles the admitted
fossils, that would be interesting.
I should say that in this field of anomalies there has to be some division
of labor. I think that my major contribution has not been in conducting
actual investigations myself (although occasionally I do it), but to
some publicity to interesting investigations carried out by others like
I think we could put some of your pictures on our anomalies page, and
see if we get any help from other people.
Sincerely yours,
Michael A. Cremo
Editor's note: Please visit the Anomalies webpage to see this artifact:
Send us your stories about those anomalous skeletons
discovered in the back yard! We are looking for solid,
well-documented evidence, but all accounts are welcome.
Send to: 
The information presented here is not necessarily endorsed
by Michael Cremo or the Forbidden Archeology Newsflash
editor. All material is shared in the spirit of open and free
inquiry to our unique cadre of evolution revolutionaries.
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