Forbidden Archeology *****************
March 16, 2004
Issue No. 10
"Science means it must be correct. That is science. If science
is theory, that is not science. So Darwin is advocating his
theory, May be like this, perhaps like this. This perhaps,
maybe, is not science. This is only suggestion. We have to
deal with the facts. That is science."
-His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,
Founder, Bhaktivedanta Institute
Hello to each unique and individual one of you! Who knows
what opportunities exist during these times of incredible trials
and change? Thanks to those who have taken the time to write
Michael and share your unprecedented ideas and discoveries.
We’ll take a peek at a few of these in this Newsflash issue. As
always, we welcome your contributions to facilitate critical
thinking and networking amidst our diverse community of
Forbidden Archeology compatriots.
–Lori Erbs, Newsflash Editor.

To read this or previous Newsflash issues go to:


NEWS - Michael Cremo's tours of India and Detroit
NEWS ROUNDUP Mystery Particle?
FORTHCOMING EVENTS To Bali and back again
MCREMO.COM website update


Michael Cremo Tours Varanasi and South India

December 2003
Michael Cremo attended a conference
Called Global Hinduism in the New Millennium, during a
recent trip to Hyderabad.  He also participated in a
meeting of the Vedic Friends Association.  His next stop
was Varanasi, in Northern India, for some research,
lectures, and exploration of this ancient city's layout
representing various layers of the Vedic universal
cosmology. Read his travel diary for more details at:

Research Commences on Forbidden Archeology II

Michael Cremo has initiated research and writing on
Forbidden Archeology II, which will present more
anomalous scientific findings suggesting that humans
like ourselves have existed for millions of years.

Forbidden Archeologist Tours US Campuses

Michael Cremo gave lecture/slideshow presentations
on Forbidden Archeology and its sequel, Human
, at various University campuses across the
nation, including Penn State, University of Michigan
in Ann Arbor, Wayne State in Detroit, and University
of California Irvine.


Critical Analysis of Evolution

The Ohio State Board of Education voted 10-7 on
3-9-04 to approve a model lesson plan that takes
a critical look at Darwinian evolution. The 10th-grade
lesson plan is called a Critical Analysis of Evolution.
Complete story at:

Mystery Particle Discovered in Deep Space

Scientists claim that a speck of dust that drifted into the
Earth's atmosphere from the edge of the solar system
shows that complex organic molecules can form even in
the void of interstellar space.  Go to: for complete story (3-6-04)

Commentary by Michael Cremo:

1. Basically, the article is positive to the idea that life is
organic molecules, and the particle is presented as
one more step toward having a molecular explanation
for life, with life defined as a complex structure of organic

2. Organic is also used in a misleading way throughout the
article. Organic could be taken to mean "produced by an
organism," but really the term is being used in the technical
sense of "containing carbon atoms."

3. The researchers claim some connection with life, but if
that were true, they would have to show that the organic
molecules in the dust particle were of the kind found in living
things. Factually speaking, however, they admit that they
have not been able to discover exactly what kind of organic
molecules are in the dust particle. One of the researchers
speculates it could be adenine, one of the amino acid
building blocks of proteins found in earth organisms. But
that is just a speculation on his part at the moment.

4. Life comes from life, not from molecules. The living
substance is a particle of consciousness. Molecules
form only the covering of that particle of consciousness.

Talkin’ Bacteria Blues

Scientists have genetically engineered bacteria to ‘talk’
to each other in a new chemical code language. James
Liao and his UCLA team control the conversation by
adjusting the acidity of the cell medium. Complete story:

Virgin Rescued from Dumpster Weeps Oily Tears

A portrait of the Virgin Mary that was rescued from the
garbage by a Canadian Muslim apartment manager is
weeping tears of oil. A constant stream of devout
Christians have also witnessed the phenomenon since
it began 10 days ago.
More at:

Ancient Millipedes from Scotland

An amateur fossil-hunter in Scotland has unearthed
the oldest known air-breathing land animal: a tiny
millipede that lived 428 million years ago.  Go to:


To Bali and Back

In March, 2004, author Michael Cremo embarks
upon yet another media tour to promote a new
edition of The Hidden History of the Human Race,
this time in Bali.

Contact Talk Radio Interview

Tune in to the Contact Talk Radio interview with
Michael on Monday, March 29, 2004 from
9:00-10:00 pm Pacific time at

Michael Cremo to Lecture at Bhakti University

Michael Cremo will be a featured Guest Lecturer
at Bhakti University in Budapest, Hungary during
April 2004.


Progress Toward Intellectual Freedom in America

Normally,  Americans do not tolerate their government telling
them they can only buy one kind of car, or read just one
newspaper, or watch just one television station. But for the past
one hundred years, Americans have been allowing their
government to tell them, through the judicial system, that only
one idea about human origins can be taught to their children in
the nation's public schools. That idea is the Darwinist idea,
that human beings evolved from more primitive apelike
creatures by a purely materialistic process. This despite the
fact that most Americans do not accept the theory of evolution.

From time to time, a local or state government will try to change
this situation, and allow some balance in the classroom by
exposing students to critical analysis of the evolution theory  
and to the existence of alternatives to Darwinism. Every time
this has happened, fundamentalist Darwinists have persuaded
the federal courts to declare these initiatives in violation of the
US constitution.

But recently, there have been some hopeful signs that the
intellectual dictatorship of the Darwinists may be cracking.

Last year, the US Congress passed an education law titled
the No Child Left Behind Act. That act says that where topics
are taught that may generate controversy (such as biological
evolution), the curriculum should help students to understand
the full range of scientific views that exist. On March 8, 2004,
a United States Department of Education official (Acting
Deputy Secretary Gene Hickok), called attention to that part
of the act, and went on to say that the Department supported
"academic freedom and inquiry into scientific views or theories."

Also this year, the Ohio State education department said that
science students in high school should be able to "describe
how scientists continue to investigate and critically analyze
aspects of evolutionary theory." In furtherance of this goal,
the state education board approved by a vote of 10-7 a
lesson plan for high school biology students called
"Critical Analysis of Evolution."

Predictably, fundamentalist Darwinists are threatening to
take the issue to the federal courts, where they have often
prevailed in the past. But it seems that eventually the courts
will get the message that there is genuine opposition to
Darwinism in the world of science and that students have a
right to learn about this. And that will be a great victory for
freedom of speech in America, and for intellectual freedom
in the world of science.

Michael A. Cremo
__________________________________________________________ update

New links at
Read about Michael Cremo’s Travel Diary Tours of India etc.
Check out the new Discourses webpage on the Human
Devolution website, featuring extended philosophical
discussions with Michael Cremo and correspondents:
Check on forthcoming interviews at:
NEWS: Read about the Ohio School Board ruling:


Cognoscence is a new organization that supports and
networks New Science and related fields at

Check out the Free Expression Network
Clearinghouse at

Wisdom of the Ancients

FORUM: Comrades in the Evolution Revolution

Letters to
Question: Hi Mr. Cremo:
I am a junior in High School [and] am doing a major research
paper for my English III AP class. We were allowed to choose
whatever we wanted to research. I chose archeology but
specifically paleoanthropology and I stumbled upon your book
Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race
and was fascinated by it. I wrote my opening paper to explain to
my teacher what I was doing for the project and I have attached
it to this email. I was wondering if you could give me any
feedback or advice etc etc.
Thanks for your time.

Answer: It's really great that you are doing a paper on
Forbidden Archeology. I looked over your description of your
paper topic, and it is quite good. There are a couple of thoughts
I will offer you about the knowledge filter.

1. Deliberate suppression of evidence is certainly one part of
the knowledge filtering process. But in general, it is not that
scientists think that they are hiding true evidence, which if
known, would cause the public to reject their theories. In
most cases, when they encounter extremely anomalous
evidence, they simply think, "Well, something must be
wrong with this. I don't know exactly what, but it does not fit, so
it has to be wrong." In one sense, this is just human nature.
For example, if I love somebody, then if I hear something bad
about that person, I may not believe it. And it might take quite
a bit of convincing to accept something about that person that
completely contradicts what I always thought about that person.
In the same way, most scientists today are "in love" with the
current theory of evolution. And therefore they are reluctant to
accept evidence that contradicts it. Also, most philosophers of
science, historians of science, and sociologists of science agree
that theoretical preconceptions often govern how evidence is
treated. So what I have done is show how that process operates
in archeology.

2. In one sense a knowledge filter is necessary. It is not that we
should believe every piece of information that comes our way.
So we do have to have some system for judging the reliability
of information that comes to us. The problem comes with the
standards for filtering knowledge. Sometimes there is a double
standard. For evidence that goes along with the current theory
of human origins, the standard may be applied in a very liberal
way. But for evidence that contradicts the current theory, the
standards may be applied in a very strict way, so strict that
even the evidence that supports the current theory would not
pass. This double standard is something that we see going
on all the time. For example, a policeman might let some kids
off if he sees them committing some minor offense, but if the
kids are of a color he does not like, he might be very strict
with them, and arrest them.

Anyways, I am very pleased that you are submitting a paper
on this topic, and if I can be of any further help to you, please
let me know. I will be happy to cooperate in any way that I can.

And please do let me know what happens.

Sincerely yours,
Michael A. Cremo

Dear Sir: I was wondering if you knew what ever became of
Thomas E. Lee who discovered the Shequindah, Manitoulin
Island site in northern Lake Huron? Or, if you heard anything
more on the artifacts/site? I am a First Nations person (Odawa)
from Wikwemikong, Manitoulin Island.

Thank you kindly,

Michael Cremo responds:

Thomas E. Lee died in 1982. His son Robert E. Lee carried
on for a few more years the publication of the Anthropological
Journal of Canada
, which was started by the elder Lee as a
vehicle for publishing his work. During Lee's life the artifacts
he collected were confiscated and put into the storage bins
of the National Museum of Canada. He said the site was
turned into a tourist resort.

Just last year, some Canadian archeologists and geologists
published a new study on the site. They claim it is ten thousand
years old or less, contradicting Lee's findings, which indicated
it could be over 100,000 years old, or 30,000 at a minimum. I
am now writing a book called Forbidden Archeology 2, in which
I will include new cases and updates on cases I covered in
Forbidden Archeology, such as Sheguiandah. So I shall be
looking into this new report in the course of my research
for FA2.

Sincerely yours,
Michael A. Cremo

Dear Michael: A couple of days back a leading Russian
newspaper, Komsomolskaya pravda, came up with a sequel
to an interview with you that had been published a few
months ago.

The newspaper staff were surprised with an avalanche of
letters and calls they received after publishing your findings.
People started writing and calling in to reveal that they had
also witnessed artefacts proving that humans existed long
before it is believed by conventional theories.

A few of them reported having seen in Turkmenistan and
Siberia human footprints overlapped with that of dinosaurs.
But the most interesting finding was reported by a lady
engineer from Siberia, Mrs. Akimova. She said [she] worked
in a goldmine long ago when an excavator dug up 10-12
meters below the surface, corresponding to an age of
approximately 100,000 years, something that looked like
spirals, measuring from 2 cm to as small as 0.1 mm.
Chemical analysis showed they were made of pure tungsten,
which never occured in pure form in nature, but always in
compounds. They were obviously manmade, having
extremely regular shape and smooth surface. Some of them
even had a molybdic cylindric core fitting tightly into the inner
clearance of the spirals. So far, no one even ventures to
explain the origin of the spirals, and the lady keeps them in
her own private collection. The newspaper carried a few
microscopic pictures of the strange objects.

The article was followed by a spate of orders for your
book from the hilosophskaya Kniga publishers, so now
they have to reprint it.

Dear Mr. Cremo:

I recently ran across a reference that you might find
interesting. It appears in The Big Bonanza, written
by Dan DeQuille, the pen name of a man named
William Wright. DeQuille/Wright was a journalist
working in Virginia City, Nevada, during the Comstock
Lode activity of 1860-75. In Chapter 67, he describes
the discovery of (date unknown) a skull in the ore
body at a depth of 300 feet in the Ophir Mine. The ore
body here consisted of quartz laced with veins of silver
and gold. It was discovered by a visiting U.S. District
Judge named A.W. Baldwin as an ore car was being
unloaded. The item is described as a human skull of
a peculiar form and thickly crusted over with suphuret
of silver. It was kept as a curiosity by a William Shepard
until 1874 when it came to the attention of the Academy
of Sciences of San Francisco where it was taken and
examined by a Dr. Blake. Dr. Blake is said to have
described it as having the features of ancient Peruvian
skulls in that it had an interparietal bone.

DeQuille says that Dr. Whitney (presumably J.D.
Whitney) wanted to have the skull examined further on
the East Coast or in Europe, but that the owners
refused. A plaster cast was made and sent to Dr.
J. Wyman of Cambridge who concurred with the
conclusion reached in San Francisco, that the skull
belonged to a prehistoric race. At the time of DeQuille’s
writing (in 1876), the object was still in the possession
of the owners in Virginia City.

This reference is found on pages 392-394 of the reprint
edition of The Big Bonanza, published by Alfred Knopf
in 1967. The introduction by Oscar Lewis claims that
DeQuille's accounts were deemed generally correct by
no less an authority than Hubert Bancroft.

As this reference does not appear in “Forbidden
Archeology despite the apparent existence of scientific
literature regarding it, have you ever heard of this account
and if so, have you attempted to verify it?

Michael Cremo responds
: The Virginia City skull is indeed
interesting. I was not aware of it when I was writing Forbidden
But I am now gathering material for a Forbidden
Archeology 2
book, which would include new cases like this
one and significant updates on old cases. The Virginia City
case was brought to my attention last year by a reader of my
books. The reader was kind enough to locate and send me
copies of the existing scientific papers. As mentioned in your
letter, the skull was eventually left in the hands of the
discoverers. It would be good to try to track down the skull.
It must have passed from the hands of the persons mentioned
by DeQuille/Wright to some others. Perhaps some research
into the genealogy of the region might turn something up.
That is to say, it may be possible that the skull is still in the
possession of one of the descendants of the persons named
by DeQuille/Wright. For such work, I have to rely on my
correspondents, as my own time is limited, and I am now fully
occupied. If you are interested, you might give it a try and let
me know what you come up with. But even without the original
specimen, I think the case is quite good.

Sincerely yours,
Michael A. Cremo